Toddlers are busy little learners! They are developing their language, imagination, independence, control over their bodies, social skills, emotional regulation, and play patterns. Our toddler room provides play experiences that focus on enhancing their social relationships, self-esteem, and confidence. We encourage patience and positive behaviour towards others, and our activities cater to their growing curiosity, energy, and development needs. Our staff to child ratio is 1:3 if under two years and 1:5 if 2 - 3 years old.
In a supportive environment, children will have the opportunity to experience early success and develop their independence. We believe it's crucial for young children to have frequent outdoor exploration and learning experiences. During this stage of development, toddlers are physically more capable, eager to imitate and explore their surroundings, and need more space and freedom to do so. We understand that children are also building friendships and their language abilities.
Our staff are knowledgeable and can understand children's interests through the questions they ask, which allows them to provide exciting and engaging activities based on those interests. Toilet training support is also provided, and our facilities are designed to make it easier for both children and staff
NB Nappies changed as required
Please note the routines are a guideline to your child’s day but remain adaptable to suit the children’s needs
83 west street
Website by DLL Webdesigns